Dr. Mehmet Öztan

Seed keeper.
Public Scholar.
Service Faculty.

I am a Turkish seed keeper/grower, farmer, and public scholar who works on restoration and preservation of the seeds of Turkey (Türkiye) on our small farm located in Reedsville, West Virginia, on the unceded land of Seneca people. The farm is a learning space and a gateway to exploring more than fifty food crops for their cultural significance, culinary uses, climate adaptability and significance related to food justice and food security as well as a space in which I build relations with plants and their stewards.
In 2012, I initiated the Anatolian Seeds Recovery and Preservation (ANATOHUM) Project to create a seed database of Turkey. In 2013, I co-founded our seed company, Two Seeds in a Pod, with my wife/partner Dr. Amy Thompson.
I hold a Ph.D. in civil engineering from Michigan State University and am a part-time service assistant professor in Eberly College of Arts & Sciences at West Virginia University.
Seed Keeper
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Public Scholar
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Service Faculty
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